Thursday, July 17, 2014

Do Your Homework Before Sitting for Your Senior Portrait

As high school seniors are discovering, graduation is a big deal.  Life changes from the this milestone in life.  There are more responsibilities and, at this time in life, it’s good to learn one very useful tip – it’s worth the time and effort to prepare for an event or task.

At Premier Portraits Studio, our part in the graduation hoopla is taking and producing senior portraits.  It’s an honor to capture this life moment and know that these pictures will be viewed again and again over decades to come, sparking memories and smiles.

Given this perspective, we can tell which seniors have prepared for their portraits and which have not.  And it never fails, those who prepare spend much less time frantically trying to correct for that lack of preparation and enjoy their sitting – and the end result of a great picture!

Last month, we shared some tipson what to bring and wear for a sitting.  There is also a handy description of how to look your best in a portrait on our web site.  This month, we’d like to use that advice to send the graduates off with best wishes for a bright future.

·         Health is one of the best beauty secrets available.  If you get enough rest, water, and veggies, your skin will glow and your eyes will be white and bright.  So, take care of your body and impress the world, whether it’s your senior portrait or an interview with a prospective college or employer.

·         Don’t try so hard.  You’re great!  Never forget that.  Ladies don’t need to hide behind way too much makeup or oversell their bodies with halters, tube tops, or V-necks… Premier Portraits Studio’s policy is against these not because we want to stifle individual expression but to allow the personality of the subject to shine through.  Guys, same for you… we’re not here to capture and essence and a ratty T-shirt or five-o-clock shadow will only detract from the real you.

·         Avoid regrets.  We’re serious about preparation.  Bring a few outfits to your sitting and think about accessories such as jewelry or even the things you touch every day in school… musical instruments, balls from your favorite sport, or a prop from a theatrical production where you were the star.  When in doubt, bring it.  We can always decide not to use it.

Premier Portraits wishes all graduates a happy summer and long, successful life ahead… with good dose of preparation.

PremierPortraits Studio is locally owned and operated at 260 East St in Plainville, CT and is committed to supporting the community with quality service and portraits. 860.410.4303

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